Thanks to everyone who supported the River Deep Foundation’s September 2024 annual golf fundraiser. Proceeds donated to our River Deep Alliance Partner help fund costs associated with the fantastic fly fishing trips our organization helps lead alongside RDF volunteers each year.
We’re a proud member of the Alliance because it is a highly successful example of how complementary organizations can collaborate and pool resources to extend their outreach and maximize their positive impacts. The River Deep Foundation further explains:
“(The Alliance) is an innovative and exciting collaboration among complementary nonprofits that work in their own ways to re-acclimate, re-enable and re-engage people with disabilities. While these groups provide distinct programs, their client bases often overlap.
“The Alliance provides an easy referral channel that connects clients to Foundation outings and other services. Throughout the year, the Foundation facilitates communication among Alliance members to share knowledge, ideas and resources that help all of the organizations be more effective and efficient. Alliance members also combine their strengths to focus better on their clients in need.”